
WOW... Icebergs

WOW ICEBERG photos that will take your breath away.

Dave Walsh's amazing portfolio... 'nough said.


We Can Remember It For You Wholesale

Today, I read the original inspiration for the 90's sci-fi flick Total Recall with Schwarzenegger and loved it equally as much as the movie.

The movie expands greatly upon the very short story written by Philip K. Dick, and does justice to the loose ends he left. In the short story he never actually returns to mars to seek out the truth of his secret mission; he instead turns himself in to discover the truth of his past and to avoid any further damage or confusion in his life. The ending to the short story is very cool though, but would have been impossible to include in the plot of the movie.

Read it.


Philip K. Dick... Books, Comics, Movies

Revolutionary science fiction writer Philip K. Dick's last epic novel Do Androids Dream Electric Sheep? is revisited by BOOM! Studios in the new trans-titled comic book series. Here's an article. Here's a link concerning the original series.

Recently read some Dick, so I was happy to stumble upon this. I was also checking out some of his first editions on ebay, which are ridiculously priced... I think. Anyways, the short story The Minority Report was the first story I read of his. Familiar with the Spielberg production of the story I was quite pleased to find the original story much more complex; fully exploiting the possibilities in plot twists presented by three ever correcting psychics on one man's fate. WHOAAA... Anyways it was a great read. Two thumbs.

Any who, here are some random Philip K. Dick links to short stories, info, etc.

Link to 1st ed's on Ebay

Link to his Wiki

Link just in case someone tries to rip you off...

Link to an entire website dedicated to Blade Runner


Original Moon Landing Tape ERASED!?!?!

NASA admits to accidentally recording over the original moon landing tapes with re-runs of the 2nd season of Home Improvement. In response they've released a digitally enhanced version of the event in which man FIRST STEP ON ANOTHER CELESTIAL BODY, EVER!!!; and it will be narrated by Tim Allen (the "Tool Man" Taylor).

Here's a Link to the new video.

A Link to the NASA page dedicated to Apollo 11.

A link to the NASA official article.

A link to some sweet shots on the moon.

A link to the audio from the Apollo 11 mission itself, which was previously unreleased.

And a link to HD quality highlights of the lunar landing.

Harry Potter, forgiven

The new Harry Potter movie is Catholic-approved by the Vatican due to it's clear of separation of good and evil.

Here's the Link.

Austin based photographer Brian Roschetzky's Portfolio

Link to his Portfolio



A blog that keeps up with experimental aircraft, and general advances in aircraft tech around the world. Take a gander at the this link.

Here's another link to the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association)


Ancient wisdom, meet modern science...

In India, a group of 91 Tibetan Monks and Nuns took a month's time out of their life long dedication to metaphysics to study basic principles of modern science. Hope you enjoy, here's the Link.

More Species for Noah

A trip to Antarctica leads scientists to several new species. Take a look Link


Floating among these city lights...

Sears Tower in Chicago, IL is soon to open glass balconies.

Here's a Link to the article.