From 2005-2009
A spotlight upon uncertainty, and a mystic vibration.
This wave is leading me into a mood I've never known.
To ignore is to give in,
and to proceed is a promise to never look back again.
There's nowhere to turn in this hallway,
in this body.
Just keep from crying, but don't hold it in;
Abandon it all together, or fear will never end.
A body draped in light, and it's message twists you.
I've become a planet, an entire galaxy even,
but there's nothing I can do.
Layers and layers of reality intertwine
through light, sound, and an actual symphony composed of flesh;
A celebration through meditation that we are the universe.
We were laughing about everything, because we could.
Positive vibrations, and memorable resonance weaved through each vessel,
shaping the universe one joke at a time.
We held onto nothing, and God couldn't stop laughing.
To see human existence begin and end in a blink...
It didn't matter...
David built a raft, and surrounded himself with sound.
Going nowhere while being everywhere,
he is one of multi-billion paradoxes.
This fountain of blood, this system of me,
It's all I need.
Awe struck by this biological machine,
I hold my breath as a gesture;
a pause even from living to admire I'm alive.
Capable of anything, but specifically love.
To devote my attention
and consciously use the time I have with direction.
I am in love and always will be with more than just another,
but one whose eyes are as wide open as those staring back.
She's blessed me with visions, hints that there is more;
to humans, to reality, to living, to everything.
I'll never see how I once did,
because there isn't a "once did", only a now.
Outside of time, I've left my mind to linger among Gods.
Among monks and mystics, colors and portals
my body must go.
I'll return again.
I will never end.
You've gathered us, here.
We've sat around together
while you tower above forever.
I clench hands with my brothers.
Just as you dreamt of us before our arrival,
we dream of you post-departure.
From here on you are the light;
honest; boundless; fearless.
From here on we'll continue,
everything you've begun.
I see infinity through these affinities.